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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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excited avith my happiness; yes, more happy than I had ever
been before. ’ Warm yoursclf by my heart;’ and thus saying, l
embraced ber rapçurously. "
"A violent trcmor thrilled ber whole form; she fore hersclf
from me. ’Not now, hot now,’ cried she, displaying the most
visible anxiety of mind. ’ I must first coml)ose myself. :Let
"I did hot wish to dctain ber against ber inclination; but the
rime before the supper, when I should again see ber, had never
before appeared so long. Af length supper was announced, and
when I entered the room with your letter in my hand, she was
there already. She stood before the open window, stiff and cold
as usual. #Vhen I approuched ber, a slight but suddenly vanish-
ing smile passed over her lips. Oh, if you could only behold
and comprehend how beautiful she is, when even a gleam of
feeling enlivens ber featm’es. Yes, I know ttmt now, after a
lapse of three years, I could again fall in love with ber, more
violently than ever–to madness–and that with my own wffe!
"But ¥irginia is not like other women. There is something
repellh#g and af the saine rime attracting in this strange mixture
of life and death; and to imagine ber at once like ber fellow-
sistel#, with the same tire, and w#rm sentiments, would be
something so uncommon fo me, that I would be scarcely able fo
compreheud it. :But if if should be reserved fo me fo become a
second t’rometheus, I believe my own work would incre#se my
love for ber, and my happincss a hun&’edfold.
"When we were #done in the evening, she began to speak
about the incidents of the day firs#. ’ #Vir6n,’ said she, ’ I bave
a t:avour fo ask of you.’
"’Speak, deares#. Shall I go straight to :Roestorp, and bring
Borgenstiern# here, whcther he wishes to corne or hot, so that
he may beg your pardvn?’ A t this jesting proposal, which my
glowing s#ntiment c«#used me fo make, # deep cloud, deeper thaa
the reddest rose that ever appe#red on the face of woman,

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