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tremblingly overspread ber cheeks, giving way the next moment
to an icy p#lcness; #t the s#mc rime she m#de # repelling ges-
ture, full of puinful disple#sure.
"’ Wh#t’s the m#tter, my angel ?’ sMd I, not much edified by
the emotion which the mention of your name ca.used ber.
"’ I intreat you never fo speak of this evening ag#in ; as f#r
# I ara concerncd, the sharp lesson w#ch I h#ve received this
d#y, wfll be sufficient fo cause me henceforth to toaster the
indifference and silence whîch are so intimately connected with
my whole existence. I sh#H endeavour, fu#oEher, fo fill up my
sphere # # better manner, #nd t# T to become the saine as other
wo#e#. #
"What # m#racle, my friend ! such words from Virginia’s
lips; and what # sorcerer you are, fo cause by your simple
judgment such # change; you see now yourself how strong
explosions sornettes h#ve their good influence. There are
m#tters, the consequences of which we eschew the most, if we
accept them as thcy #re, and enjoy them as they are, without
rucher inquiry; and whither these inquiries would lead me,
eveu if I shoald endeavour to solve them, I do hot know, and
feel no #clination to try it.
"In natte, especi#lly human nature, there #e m#ny th#ngs
which c#nnot be exp!#ined af #ll ; to #vh#t purposc #vifi the
ende#vour lead, fo thro#ç light upon # m##.ter #vhich, ##apped ia
mysterious darkness, has undoubtedly # far more pleasing effect,
thon fo lift the veil from iç, when it will be so close to us th#t
we wfll be obliged fo shut our eyes, that we may hOt see if #
too bright # light ? But now fo your own affairs. If you are
hot # #cur#ble sick stickler, then follow my #vell-intended and
re#onuble advice, and go on with the girl. #Vhat in the whole
woEd do you w#h more thaa # here offcred # Ameli# is as
lovely #s a Hebe. She is #tuous, and kind-hea#ed, as #y
#vom#n can be; #vithout th#t, ber smoothne# would degener#te
into so#ness m#d even dulncss ; shc possc##cs just th#t dcgrcc of
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