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#EAR one of the inlets of Lake ttjelmar lies l#oestorp, upon a
gently-sloping bill, from the summit of #vhich the white dwelling-
bouse, surrounded by a dense grove of old chestnut-trees,
sents a charming picture close by, as well as from a distance.
In the second story on the front of the bouse, there is a balcony
that the owner had caused fo be ruade immcdiately after his
return from the baths. On this balcony, he often stood leaning
over the railing, rapt in meditation, or gazing toward the road,
#vhich was seldom travelled by strangers, to interrupt the mono-
tony of the place. Often he felt the desire fo change his mode
of life, but was always l#ept back by mistrust and want of
From the balcony, on which he #vas wont fo stand for hours,
he usually #vent down fo the tannery, and saw that the #vork
#vent on lively and briskly. I{e Sl#oke fo his factor about ira..
provements on the farm, and advised with him concerning his
arrangements and plans, which might bave a bearing Ul#on their
mutual business. Activity was # necessity for him, and he had
a sufficiency of it ; yet he also had his hours of leisure, and it
was especially during the latter that his misanthropy grew upon
him, #vhea he wen# up to his lonely room after dinner, where
his factor was his only companion.
Here, on that sofa #vhich stood opposite the one he now sat
on, he had often heard hlatilda’s sighs; but, just as often, ber
friendly words of gratitude for his tender nursing. On the
carpet af his feeç Diana had played with Alfred; but all were
now gonemeverything empty. Horribly dreary sçood the long
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