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all that I knew myself about your inclination; and we both
a#m’ee that the small sin of cutting a joke upon the stupid lieu-
tenant-colonel–of course, with the utmost forethought–finds
more thaa one excuse, in our intention of retaining for you the
lovely Ameli.a. All we expect fo demand of you is, that you
will hOt wish us fo bother our he#ds for nothing, and that our
troubles und exertions will hot be fo no purl#ose, and that you
v¢ill see what will be the best for yo#
"I bave no objection fo whaç you mention a# the close ot
your letter; upon this l#oint we a#m’ee. In the meantime I do
not v¢ish you fo underst#nd" that I would bave acted in the
s#me way if I tmd been in your situation; such things cannot
possibly be expressed in words. But I #guin lay if before your
heart- do hot cast away that most precious thing–time ?
« Yours,
## WItt#l#."
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