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# 14 T,# E SKJ UTS-BOY.
"Then you bave been fo the miserable old usurer, to whom
the poorest and most wretched peasant turns, when he bas fo pay
his taxes, or desires seed. A t his bouse, in tha# nest of thieves,
you bave been."
A cold shudder passed through the lieutenant-colon’el’s whole
form. But notwithstanding the te,Tible %hunderstroke which
fell upon his pride, he wa# touched by Amelia’s simple and beau-
tifttl deed. That one sentiment was forced to give way before
%he other.
Af%er a few moments of deep silence, which Ameli# did hot
dare fo break, the lieutenant-colonel inqu#red, in atone as though
life and death depended upon the answer:
"D#d you meet anybody else on the mountain? Can anybody
guess where you bave been# or bave you told any one ?"
"l#ot a soul #s a#vare o if, papa. I met no one, nor spoke
with any one; even mother l#nows nothing about if."
"Good, my daughter; I shall try and hush up the marrer."
]=[e questioned her concerning the %erres she had ruade, and
then continued:
"I cannot possibly applaud your actions, #vhich were cert#inly
#çell intended, but #vhich might easily bring me into bad rcputc,
so that t}m whole ne#ghbourhood #vould point their fmgcrs in scorn
af me; but, neverthelcss, I am wilHng fo pardon your youthful
indiscret#on, l#ow give me a list of the effects which you bave
Amelia wrote them down as soon as possible; and w#th a
silent seriousness the l#eutenant-colonel took his cloak and
"M.y God, papa, I hope %bat you will hot yoursclf now "
"I-Iush, Amel#a; the first condition of my pardon is, %hat you
will keep silence."
":But, dear father, bave I done so very wrong? I should no#
th]nk #t was sucb an uncommon thing to borrow money, if one
#ants if # #nd h#ve not noblcmen debts as well as other peoI»lc #"
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