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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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"To borrow money, my child, is cer#ainly no shame; but i#
depends a good deal on the manner in #vhich one does if. In
the prescnt case, I would bave to shut my eyes with shame, if it
should become known that my daughter had gone to a miserable
usurer fo borrow a few withered bank-notes, spotted by many a
bloody tear. A usurer in the country is hot the same as one in
a large city: with the former one cannot negotiate without im-
1)airing his honour; with the othcr i# can bc done in a respec-
table manner, and the mattcr is known by two only. Do you
now see the differcnce ? and do you comprehend the scandal if iç
should be said, that if cannot fare well with theLieutenant-
colonel de Dressen of Tunefors, as his daughter pawned lier
jewellcry ? #o, that must bc preventcd–-or clse it will become
a story fo be the heroine of which would cause you much shame,
if you had any idea of the world and good manners."
"But, dcar papa, ]# ara so–"
"]3:ush! hush! no more of your chattcr. Drive the subject
from your mind. l#cmember, however, that by the manner in
#vhich you have commenced the business, I can never be relieved
from my unpleasan# position."
Thus saying, the lieutenant-colonel hastily descended the stairs.
It had already become dark, and with anxiety Amelia thought
of the long #valk he had to makc through the forest.
She was unable to keep hcr little secret longer to herself, and
how harshly her father had treated ber; and to the frrst question
of Madame de Dresseu, "What is the marrer with you, my
child#" shc reported all that she had done, as wcll as what ber
i#ather had said fo if.
"Oh, you kind-heaxted chfld!" said Madame de Dressen, em-
bracing Amclia warmly. "You should hot bave followed the
sentiments of your heart, if you had asked my advice. ]: should
bave told you that your fathcr would rather go fo jail, than that
he should bave cntered into any at#’angemcnts with such a person
as thc Old Man of the Mount##in. Your conduct loses none of

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