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220 T#E SK$UTS-B0¥.
talents of his adviser in this case, would bave considered himse]/
guilty of the utmost ingratitude if he had hot been his most
obedient pupil.
In the meantime, Amelia was hot in the least edified by these
impudent attentions, lier mother had placed under her charge
a great many domestic affairs, which, although thcy did hot
require her constant attendance in the kitchen, nevertheless
occupied ber rime in the pantry; but, as a door led tYom the
p#rlour into the pantry, the chamberhin was sure tobe the##
also, as he assured ber, ten rimes a day, that he was the most
passionate lover of all domestic flowers.
"But here we have nothing but potatoes, parsnips, and
cucumbers," replied Amelia, a little spitefully. " Here, at
Tunefors, we have few flowers, especially at the present rime."
"’ Don’t say that, adorable Amelia! #tis just you that leads
into your enrapttu-ing domestic idyllic world of flowers, and what
thought can be more sublime than hand-in-hand with his lovely,
b’eautiful. "
":Parsnips and cucumbers !" replicd Amelia, supplying the
words of the chamberlain, who willingly would bave beefl thought
a skilful speaker.
":No, litt.le barbarian; I meant those beautiful little hands,
which are now preparing with so much grace and skill the
herring-salad, the equal of which the world never belote saw."
"You are, therefore, a loyer of herring salad, l#i:r, de Goesse #."
"I love if to a passion; for you must know, Lady Amelia,
that fiery natures like mine, created for everything beautiful–
fi)r art, nature, and science, in short, for ail the spices of life–
prefcr a real herring-salad before all other delicacies. I should
think, also, as far as I can infcr from the study of my organiza-
tion, and from a slight knowledge of phrenology, one of the most
interesting sciences, and one wlfich I esteem highly, as if leads
us to plain conclusions conceanaing out mental formation, what
we really are, and wlmt we ,-a’e to become–I mean to say, as far
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