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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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#s the formation of o#tr cr#nium is concel:ned, the different forms
of wlfich if is vcry interesting to examine, and whose discovery
bcstows much honour upon G#ll in short, as far as this can be
set down as an indisputable, rcliable principle, wiae, th#t con-
soling fluid of gods and men, in the uæs and downs of lffe, will
taste the best after herring-salad."
A t the word veine, Amelia felt a desire fo laugh outr-ight ai
De Goesse’s passion for herring-salad, thnt suddenly changed into
a pressing anxiety, which was caused by the fact, that, as she
was accidentally lookîng from the window into the court-yard,
she saw ber father standing on a pile of boards, looking into the
road with an uneasy expression of countenance, by-#hich she
learned that the messenger who had been sent fo the city, should
bave already arrived in the morning.
« Certainly an accident bas happened to Nicholas," thought
Amelia; "the scamp, perhaps, bas got drunk, thrown the cart
over, and broken it, for ît is old and worn out. ttow anxious
father looks! If is now three o’clock; af half-past rive the
guests m’rive. I dare hot think of if !–what a misfortune!
Alas! what #vill become of our supper? If I could only rid
myself of that insufferable chatterbox, that I might dust out the
rooms and set the raspberries, pickled onions, and whortleberries
on the table, prepare the napkins, cut bread, and even dress my-
self. Oh, if he would only go !"
« With your permission, my dear l#dy, you look too serious
for the dnughter of the graces# but, pcrhaps, I bave been so
amïortunate as to offend you with my learned treatise upon the
organs, which is certainly rather a dry subject for a lady. Or
what else is it that sullies the pure mh’ror of the fountain,
before which I should like fo die, could I only see my figure
reflected in ifs beautiful depth 9"
"What do you command ?" said A mclia, whose mind was
busily occupied with :Nicholas, her father on the pile of boards,
and with her own affairs.

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