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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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"#ever mind about that, there # not#g so bad as #een te#.
I hope you bave c#namon or orage pee#g, or af least a few
cloves #"
"#, yes, in #he splce &-awer there # some stfll le#; but,
deur )Ih#’
"WeH, never mind, o#y throw u hanoE# of dried goosebe#
leaves, and # many strawber# l#ves, with a few pieces of ch-
n#on, #to the teupoç, and i# #ill make the most exceEent tea
which ever one h#s drunk before; we a# home never do other-.
#e, and Lamm #ys, that af ##denac, the co#t’s, where, as
you know, he was tutor, the# tea was hot haff # good; but let
us h##, dear; you shaH see wha# good tea i# # m#e, and
how soon if can be m#e."
Af these woMs both #ls h#ied to the #tchen, and ten
rebutes had hot elapsed before the huge t#pot, #th all ifs
tenances, appe#ed af the door, #d i# did hot req#e much
before #adame de Dressen would bave cried out aloud with joy.
"Ay, m#ma ! ay, de# Lamm ! # no# Ame## the most
polite hoste# that you ever saw #" excla#ed #ina., addressing
ber mother as well as L#m. "I was jus# complah#g of u
pah # the lungs, and Ame#a placed honey on the table–#d
w#t honey # Look here; there, no one h# if so p#e #d cl#
as ber ladyshi# af T#efors. I Mways t# that if h# a much
better faste here th# anywhere else."
#ow all the ludies w#hed fo faste the honey so precious,
either to find fa#t #th i#, by w#sperhg in the# neighbour’s
ear, or if they fo#d lE good, fo hq#re of #adame de Dressea
how #e #de i# so nice. The gentlemen, #o, or the most of
them, preferred the honey, and the rapturous m#er h w#ch
the #u was d#, pro#ed clearly how we# #hs #[ha #der-
stood how fo brew if.
#r. de Goesse only #t without dr#g, t#g # cup
betw#n #s fingers. The strong, peculiar, #d #usual aroma
of the t# #d hot please # af #ll. He endeavo#ed fo empty

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