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Iris cup as soon as possible, but could hOt suppress an inward desire
that the divine Amelia would soon add fo ber numerous qualities
the one of making good tea.
In the meantime, if could bave been easily seen that the posi-
tion of the host and his wife was not tobe envied. The lieu-
tenant-colonel, with the utmost possible resignation, arranged a
few chess parties for the gentlemen; the ladies drew their colours
for a gaine of whist, and the young people collected around the
centre table, where the chamberlain, after a mutual interchange of
all possible kinds of compliments and bows with the lieutenant-
colonel, finally took his seat af the table, entering into conversa-
tion, and commenced fo boast, with great emphasis, about the
rairaculous tricks with cards with which he pretended fo be
i#amfliar, and related a mass of anecdotes which he had aire@
told hundreds of rimes belote.
Ai’ter an hour of the most painfifl expectation, the noise of a
cart was heard in the court-yard, and with a host of polite and
extremely gentlemanly expressions, the lieutenant-colonel wel-
comed poor bIicholas, who assured him, with the raost devout
gestures, that his long delay was caused by the gentleman in the
city to whom the letter had beea addressed. The latter had
gone fo the country, and :Nicholas knew no other way than fo
watt until he returned. The road, also, was so horrible as had
never been seen before that year, and for this reason nothing
was more natural than that poor Nicholas had been upset.
" And the basket, you d d canaille !"
" Yes, I brought the basket."
" Yes, the basket # but the bottles ? Your back will be SOlTy
if I find one of them broken, tturry, and take the stuff into
the pantry."
In the pantry were now assembled the lieutenant-colonel, his
wife, 1V[in#, and Amelia, who were soon busily engaged in pack-
ing up and arranging every#hing. It was a beautiful picture fo
see the two girls unpacking the loaves of sugar and parcels of
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