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will bave presence d’es#rî# sufficiently, as a girl of rank and edu-
cation, fo draw a curtain over the marrer as a good joke."
Amelia laughed, and #vas of the opinion that if would hOt re-
quire much talent fo drive a blue smoke into the chamber]ain’s
face. #hile Amelia was still receiving some suggestions from ber
father, and the company were about depar#ing, one of the femme
domestics shot like a rocker through the door, and brought the
news that a carriage and four had jus# driven up fo the door.
" J# carriage and four! They must be people of rank," mut-
tered the lieutenant-colonel. " ###sfortunes never corne single.
_h_ SUlal#er wîthout wine and brandy, our modest neighbours
migh# perhaps excuse; but what kind of people are these #
what will they think ? I will run mad–that cursed l#icholas !"
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