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" l#ow we are in a pretty fix," said l#Iadame de Dressen, look-
ing from one Vo another; " iV is surely an old acquaintauce who
wishes Vo stay one nighV with us, and we bave noV more than
one room, which is now occupied by the chamberlain."
" And no beds except those that we use ourselves," whispered
AmeHa in the ear of ber friend #Iina.
" Ay! in that case you must make a bed on the sofa," said
" IV will be better still, if my father would lie on the sofa în
the antechamber, then we mîght take his room # but where shall
we get the new pillow-cases and sheets $"
" We shall find an expedienV for that ; I will tell Lamm Vo
drive home, and get tho pillow-cases which belong vo my bridal
furniture. I h#ve stltched the edges to-day, and they are there-
fore lying round the room; ay! there is another thing ; he
might also bring some of the church wine; we h#ve a good deal
of iV in store, and are willing Vo lend it Vo you. #Ie may bring
some of the whisky too; iV is good, and bas been distilled with
orange peel and cumin seed."
" You are a true friend in need; you will hear what my
mother says Vo your proposal. Dear mother, whaV is your
opinion #"
Here their council was interrupted by a strange voîce that
resounded through the hall; but the Heutenant-colonel exclaimed
still louder,
" Tour most obedient servant, your most obedien# servant.
Heartily welcome Vo Tunefors."
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