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w#E SKJUTS-nOY. 231
which the assessor and the baron had prepared for him, and if
actually seemed fo accomplish ifs object, for all of a sudden it seemed fo him as though a whole swarm of gnats were buzzing
in his head, so that he forgot rum, brandy, and arrack, and only
one marrer stood clearly before him, and that was #he certainty
that, fortunately, he had hOt yet given l#fr. de Goesse a decided
answer. This thought was accompanled with the half-muttered
"God be praised tha# I took rime for reflection! This ex-
pression of the baron–ahem !mhe bas all the rime had an attach-
ment for the girl."
"May if please you, my dear lady," saîd the unwearying Mïna,
plucking af the dress of #fadame de Dressen, " the sleigh is
ready. I bave talked with Lamm, and he will drive fo out
bouse, fo bring mattresses, coverlids, quilts, and bran#dy. But
what shall we do about the wine? The chamberlain’s ser-
vant, who is in the kitchen, said that his toaster had wi#h him a
case filled wîth all kinds of w_ne. Could we hot borrow some
of him ? The lieutenant-colonel might return if to him some
other rime."
" :No, no, you good girl, the wine we will no$ think of; but
for your kindness ]: canno# thank you and Lamm too much.
Does no$ the noble fellow drive home again fo relieve us of
our troubles# For these reasons, anything my bouse can
afford you, shall be af your service on your wedding-day, my
dear girl."
#-VIina nodded friendlily, and hurried from the room.
While Mr. Lamm was in the sleigh, driving slowly toward
home, she stood behind on the runners, admonishing him fo take
care, as well of his o#vn clothing as the pillow-cases, tha# they
should no$ ge$ soiled, and hOt to allow his new cloak for which
she had spun the wool with her own hands–to drag along in the
dir#. She exhorted him, furthermore, to be very careful when
he took the whisky from the pantry, as right beside i# stood a
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