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bottle tha# resembled if much, and which was filled with oll of
" Just think," said she, " if you should take the wrong one,
dear Lamm. O!I bave heard a horrible story of that kind.
Be careful, also, tha# you do no# stumble over the head-cheese ;
neither ge# your coa# sleeves into the yeast, for the stain could
not be go# out in a whole lifetime."
#Wnile ]Hr. Lamm accepted the heavy load of advice from
betrothed, l#Iadame de I)ressen was making ber excuses fo ber
guests, and communicated to them in what a terrible 1)redica -
ment they had been placed by the messenger who had been sent
fo the city. Some pitied, others laughed at the accident ; but
the chamberlain was highly pleased, as he proved by his profound
bows, that such a welcome accident had given h#m an opportu-
nity fo show the gratitude that was glowing within his hear#,
through the means of Bacchus’ mild juice, as he had hOt yet a
chance to show hîs gratitude sufficiently fo them. IIe had, as
he said, two cases of old wine with him, and had only hesitated
fo offer iç to the honourable family as he was no# yet stffiiciently
allied to if.
Af such a prospect the lieutenant-coloners state of mind
became brightened, and from the worst he soon changed into the
very gayest humour. Af dinner, where the good appetites of
the guests did due honour fo the well-prepared dishes, the lieu-
tenant-colonel talked incessantly, and filled up the glasses as
hOSl»itably as though he was the mos# extensive wîne-merchant,
and as if he could call the whole cellar#-full of grape-juice his
own. :For this, however, the lieutenant-colonel was hot so much
te blame, as it was but seldom that he had an oppor#unity fo
show himself so much; and as the marrer had turned out so
favourably for him, he took the utmost advantage of if, especially
as the bottles, with the]r excellent contents, were a gift of
friendship, and a token of attention #oward his own person.
After the dinner was concluded, Amelia, assisted by l#Iina,
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