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went te work te transform ber father’s library into an apartment
for the baron. /kmelia’s own bed, and M:ina’s things, which had
arrived in the mean#ime, with the red silk curtains that had
served in olden rimes as the bridal curtains of the minister and
his wife, ruade a most excellent show, together with the white
linen which ##I#na had woven herself. The old table near the
window was covered with a napkin; papa’s shaving mirror was
placed upon if, and one side, which was slightly cracked, was
draped with Amelia’s white veil. The chairs that were bad and
old-fashioned, and net without other defects, were in the mean-
time thrown into an old lumber-room, and the l#arlour had te
g#ve up four arm-chairs frein the dozen which occupied it.
"The room new looks very neat indeed," said ]#Iina, who was
lookîng frein an old writing-desk on which she was standing,
with a light in ber hand, ai the curtain that she had formed
frein an old muslin petticoat belonging te ber friend, and which
she had suspended before the window. "Very neat, indeed. If
he wants a better one, he must bring if f#om Paris."
"Ay! yes, if looks tolerably well," said Amelia ; "only that
old earthen store looks se awful black and dirty–it looks se
"What! nothing under the stm can be perfect; and besides,
he is net a prince," were ]#Iina’s consoling words. "Could he
no# bave had his visiç announced firs# ? But he looks se friendly,
that he will certainly be satisfied with it."
And our honest frîend #vas satisfied #vith if, af least te a
certain degree. If could hardly be expected that he could feel
comfortable in the damp bed-clothes which had been brought
frein the l#arsonage, and which, when extended over Ms whole
body, caused him te haro a bad cold and oough. This gave him
se much trouble, tha# he wished from the bottom of his heart
that he had net accepted Wirén’s delicate commission.
Amelia, however, #vas a careful and friendly nurse te Mm.
TMs accident, which had been caused, although #vith the best
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