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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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• ## SK#çTS-#O#. 235
the baron’s attentions wrongly- and ]ooking ai if from one point
of view, the chamber]ain is certainly hOt one who should be re-
l#/Iadame de I)ressen assumed this little duplicity, .firs# and
principally, fo secure herself from the future reproach, that she
#vas opposed fo the will of ber husband; and secondly, because
she knew, from ber well-tried experience, that opposition
would make the lieutenant-colonel still more obstinate, and drive
him fo a still more rash resolution than if would bave been
under other circumstances.
"Yes, yes, you are now altogether of another opinion," inter-
rupted the lieutenant-colonel, peevishly. "tIave I not to]d you
a thousand rimes, that you women never know whether fo steer
fo the right or the left ?–but it is my duty, as a father, to see
that my daughter makes the best match possible; and that the
chamberlain rather displeases the baron, one can easily see with-
out spectacles; and as we cannot make use of both at once, one
of them must leave the field; therefore I shall bid the chamber-
lain farewell this very day, and by so doing oblige the baron to
stay a few days longer with us."
"But, dear Dressen, do you believe that Amelia would accept
such an old man as the baron, supposing he should want her#"
"What a stupid question! Do you hOt know that a young
lady would rather become a baroness than the wife of a simple
nobleman# If, bythe Lord’s assistance, we were only so far, the
rest would hot be difficulk"
#kfter the coffee, the lieutenant-colonel, who evidently was
under the influence of some secret witchcraft, knew how fo
arrange if so that he was alone with the chamberlain. The plain,
although half-joking hint of tho baron, that a rival would soon
arrive who would put an end fo all other courting, excited the
lieutenant-colonel fo a more rapid action, and he communicated
fo the chamberlain, in polite but never#heless decided language,
that Amelia’s views in regard fo #m were of such a’nature,

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