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that, even in rime, she would hOt be willing fo alter them; that
he himself, as a father, upheld the principle never fo force a
daughter fo a choice upon which ber whole future happiness
]#Ir. de Goesse hacl hOt expected such a sudden finale, fo his
SUit. ]-Ie took the marrer sharply, and said, if that had been
the opinion of his grace from the be#o4nning, if should bave been
communicated fo him before, in the letter;, and if would no¢
bave been necessary fo cause him fo undertake such an expensive
journey to fool hhn aç Tunefors, and fo fmd out there that they
had been making merry af his expense.
"The chamberlain does hOt choose his words in a vel# fitting
manner," said the lieutenant-colonel, his blood rushing toward
his brain in his rage. "I hope you do hot mean fo say that I
wished you to sue for my daughter; and if from courtesy I bave
requested the lV[r. Chamberlain to conduct matters here in his
own person, I ara certainly not obliged to expose myself fo mali-
clous insinuations. If is no# my faul#, by the Lord, if you bave
hot succeeded in gaining the girl’s heart."
« Malicious insinua¢ions !" exclaimed the chamberlain, almost
weeping, as was generally the case when he became excited. "I
wonder who bas been ill-treated here, ff i# is not my own un-
worthy person. The whole world knows tha# I came here on
bridal trip, and my love-stricken hear# will no# be able #o bear
if, if I ara thus rejected. 1#o, tha¢ I canno# stand. I shall be
eternally lost. My dear lieutenant-colonel, at least allow Amelia
fo sit in judgment upon me; ber lips shall either raise me fo the
highest pitch of happiness, or cast me in#o the deepest’abyss of
"This is unnecessary, as I, ber tkther,’have already answered
in ber stead; but fo convince you, Mr. de Goesse, tha# I ara
no# lacking in good-##ill toward you, I will send ber to you."
"O! yes, do soi iL is impossible tha# she has carried on s o
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