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better," said Amelia. "Come and sit down near the tea-table.
I ara sure that my dear father will allow that he never before
Casted such good sweet cake, or twisted bread, as I have now
Che honour of offering him. l#ow tell me, dear papa, are they
not nîce #"
"Oh, yes, they are hOt very bad, but, "
"Oh, pal#a i you must promise not fo say one if or but,
nlght, and fo be glad with me that everything is so good as
if is. There are many, to-day, who do hOt fare as well as
We do."
Amelia appeared as though she wished fo say stAll more. But
she suddenly stopped, and requested, with a hasty gesture of her
hand, that the rest of the company should listen.
"Hear !" she exclaimed i "a carnage is comingl yes, surely,
some one is driving up."
The lieutenant-colonel hastened fo the window, and lifted the
curtain. His wife placed the teacup on the table, and au ex-
pression of surprised expectation was upon all countenances.
"By my soul, somebody is coming !" exclaimed the lieutenant#
colonel. "In a sleigh, with two horses. I hope fo God, that he
bas got skjut-horses, for my provender still suffers, from the rime
when those suitors were here# and af the present rime can stand
but very little."
"But who, in the whole world, is lU that should corne fo sec
us in Christmas rime #" said 1V[adame de Dressen, looking first at
her husband, and then ai ber daughter.
Amelia had advauced fo ber father, who was still standing
near the window; but, notwithstanding ber good eyes, she was
unable fo discover who the strange gentleman was.
"We shall soon see," said the lieutenant-colonel, seating hîm-
self upon the sofa, fo receive the expected guest with due
The reader, no doubt, bas ah’eady divined that if was our
hero, who considered that now was the best rime fo appear on
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