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the scene of action, tte was now perfcctly convinced that the
suit of the chamberlain, as well as the baron’s comedy, was con-
cluded, and that, as far as he knew, ifhad taken such an end,
that if proved tha# Amelia did no# wish fo accepta husband
merely to secure fo herseff a maintenance in life.
It would now be the best opportunity fo develop the senti-
ments which caused Ivar to take this journeyl but if surely
would hot be polite on our part fo postpone, still longer, the
friendly salutations and welcomes of Madame de Dressen and
ber daughter. Ta]#g if all in all, if will hot be necessary fo
explain the motives of an action, the mainsl)ring of which was
love. Tha# Borgenstierna did hot take this stelo without serious
reflection, being as if was of so much importance, one may easily
gather from the features of his character which are already known
fo us.
"O, there is our dear friend, ZIr. Borgenstierna !" exclaimed
]#[adame de Dressera (By-the-by, rejoiced in ber heart, that ber
earnes# prayers had met with the apt)eamnce of success af least.)
"Welcome, a thousand rimes, welcome."
l#Iadame de Dressen had never before received a person so
warmly; but the lîeutenant-colonel, who–for losses make men
wise–never omitted fo remember the expense that the baron
and the chamberlain had l#laced upon his neck, was very much
reserved in his polite attentionsthis rime. Ite thought thus:
"It# might again prove a fruitless task. I shall conduc¢
myseff us though the matter was entirely indifferent fo me; the
women may manage i# all themselves."
As for Amelia she was too amiable fo bave recourse fo
th# cunning and evil artifices which sometimes do hot fail fo
l#lease men, but nevcr attr#ct them. Amelia showed neither
artful surprise, nor forced indîfference, fo I#unish Ivar for
long absence. She saluted hcr old #cquaintance frankly, and wîth
a certain modest familiarityl all was as though if had fo be so.
And therefore their conduc# resembled more that of two beings
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