- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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Full resolution (TIFF) - On this page / på denna sida - Chapter XXX. The lieutenant-colonel looks upon the bright side of the picture.

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I wonder he did hot think of discharging his obligations toward
us long ago."
"I did hOt do if for the purpose of a reward," said lfis wife,
somewhat peevishly.
"You will yet know why if bas been done," replied the lieu-
tenant-colonel; here he ruade # face intended for # laugh, and
#vlfich drove the blood into his countenance.
"Let us talk no more about it," said his wife, impatiently;
"tell me whether you are willing th#t Borgenstiern# should
drive Amelia fo church to-morrow morning #."
"That is none of my business; you shall not bave # chance to
say that I have done the smallest thing in the marrer; if he
wants ber for his wife, and if he can show that he bas sufficient
means to support ber in accordance fo ber family, very well;
but I bave no desire fo offcr her fo the highest bidder."
"I wish that still less," replied ]%[adame de Dressen, slightly
offended: "but ara of the opinion that everything must be
avoided which appears fo be exaggerated, and for these reasons a
peevish sentimentality is not here in ifs proper place."
The lieutenant-colonel ruade no reply fo this; he wished to
look af the affair as though if was settled, and resolved fo regard
if with stoical indifference. This uncommon neutrality probably
originated from the sad positiol# in wlfich the former suitors had
placed him.
"I do hOt care for it any more," said he, extinguislfing the
light, and stepping into kis beoE
"You will therefore permit me fo ac% according fo the dic-
tares of my own conscience #" inquired l#Iadame de Dressen.
"Yes, fo a certain point ; that is fo say, as far as your
powers of conception will allow you; but as soon as the main
question is af stake, stop, for then you will not know how %o
act; then you need hOt meddle with that affair, for I can do
that myself."
"But my rights as a mother -"

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