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s#milar feeling, which would of necessity bave been the case,
had she broken the seal in Ms presence fo satisfy ber curiosity.
To give the conver#tion another turn, )Iadame de Dressen
inquired whether ber guest would hot like fo attend church the
next day ?
"With the utmost pleasure," replied Ivar, under the convic-
tion that he would then be allowed to drive Amelia.
The lieutenant-colonel, however, was of a contrary opinion;
he pretended fo think that if was absurd fo rise early # and,
above all things, one required repose after a journey over such
bad roads # nay, if was very impolite for his wife fo make such a
proposition ai all.
"By no means," interrupted Borgenstierna; "I will bave
sufficient rest after" a few hours sleep, and do hOt like fo omit
the service on Christmas morning, for if is one of our most
beautiful church customs, and if you will permit me, I count
upon the pleasure of accompanying you."
"With the utmost pleasure, ff if is any satisfaction fo you;
but I shall stay af home and take care of the bouse," replied the
lieutenant-colonel, with all the importance of the father of a
family. "The ladies may go fo church under the protection of
##[r. Borgenstierna."
With this arrangement, and after wishing each o#her a plea-
sant good-night, they separated.
If was about the same rime, when Amelia was bestowing a
tear in memory of little Alfred, and kissed his naine that had
been engraved upon the locket of the chain which had been pre-
sented to ber, that the lieutenant-colonel said fo his wife, as he
was examining a piece of black silk and. comparing if with a
genuine cashmere shawl.
"Take me fo the devil! but he bas done nobly; but, taking
everything into consideration, he bas done no more than his
duty, in thus rel#aying us for the trouble we had with his boy.
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