- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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mentally he compared his preoent st#te of m#d #th that of
former t#es, and u sent#en# of indescMbable hupp#ess fiHed
#s bosom so much, that o#y u ve# s#H spot w# lef# of the
remembrance of the insult he had once received from that man
# whose ho#e he now resided as a #est.
0nly a few days ago, he was u prey of biHous melancholy
#d doubt, und he now felt #mseff so Mgorous, so invigorated,
and so free; sweet sen#tions of huppiness thrilled over him, and
he felt in Ms #nermost soul th#t it w# love fo which he w#
#debted for t# mighty change. For the pu#ose of find#g
# answer #o these sensations wMch so suddenly had taken po#
oession of him, he sought for #e#a’s eye.
But the latter had enfolded herself deeply in ber shawl and
hood, for the w#d drove the show # ber face, and although if
was glo#ng with such a wam blush tha# the breeze wo#d do
iç no damage, she nevertheless fo#d if ad#sable to envelop ber-
self still closer, and draw the veil stfll more over ber face; she
fel# a modes# d##e to mee# Borgenstiern£s eye, for there w#
someth#g # his g#e wMch caused # #explainable sen#¢ion
# c#p over ber.
She did hot know why she felg thus, neither did she inquke
the re#on; if w# s#cien# tha# if was #, and caused ber tobe
sflen#. Sho was pMned a# the thoughg thag Borge#tierna
might thi# i# strange thag she had nog mentioned the splen#d
Chr#tmas presen# he had ruade ber, and no# to app# odd, she
overoEme ber disfike fo speak, and said, quickly,
"Ammy wfll carefully prese#e Alfreffs #t; but i# h too
#recious for me fo wear."
Th#e wor# had sc#cely been uttered when Amelia #-
oevered by them tha# she had haroey expressed ber thanks. And
# much # she #hed Vo my af #he moment, ber lips mfused fo
move. She w# #able fo utter a syfiable, even sho#d tho
#orld be a# ber disposal if she #d so.

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