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"If ##iss de Dressen #v#ll only prescrve tl#s little keepsake, I
ara satisfied," replied Borgcnstierna. "I hope that af some
future #ime,/#_mcl#a will also wear
These words spoke volumes, when coming from the l#ps of a
man of Borgenst#erna’s serious character. _&melia could not,
and did no# dare m#sunderstand what he intended #o say by
#hem. # sligh# s#gh I#assed over ber ltps. If bore a secret
message #o her compan#on.
Quickly the horses flew pas# one group of solemnly-clad people
after the o#hcr, whose crackl#ng #orchl#ghts fllum#na#ed #he
branches of #he #rees that overhung #he road. Soon the church
became visible in the d#stance.
«« A holy wa#ch-#ower am#d #he #ombs,
#¥ith a myr#ad of s#ars with#n Rs walls."
The full tones of the organ resounded through the bHght;
night–and, without knowing exactly how they had corne, they
arrived in front of the church.
After the church-service had concluded, the "gentle.-folks and
their guests" were, of course, invited fo take breakfast at the
parsonage; and if was not until then that ]#Iina’s unceasing
tongue awakened Borgenstierna from his dream. Amelia, how-
ever, well knew how to explain his serious earnestness, and
more than usual silence; she knew that she had had an equally
feeling companion durîng the earliest prayers she had ruade in
the church; and she read in Borgenstierna’s peacefully soft
features, that she was fo hope for a more peaceful and happy
"l#ay God in ttis mercy prese#-e you from such a grumbler
for a husband," #vhisl#ered l#Iina fo ber friend, as she offered ber
the cream for the grit-pudding. ":No, as far as that is concerned,
I ara satisfied with my :Lamm; he can, ai least# talk with
But Amelia #as hot much disposed to chatter with ber friend
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