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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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remains unsettled, that the new one should be everything fo
Borgenstierna’s cheeks were mantled with a deep glow.
"I think I can boldly contend on the ground of Amelia’s
clmracter, that she does hot desire a man for a husband, who,
like a weathercock, #vill surfer the first breath of strange influ-
ence fo blow away his principles and convictions. I must,
therefore, direct your attention once more fo the fact, that, if the
questionable circumstance you mention is of such # kind as fo
contend #vith one of my decided priaciples, I shall be obliged fo
answer you with a refusal; and I am sure that even l#Iiss
Amelia would be the l#st one #vho would claim a compliance
with your »-ishes, #vhich #vould necess#rily be known by the
naine of a dishonouruble #veakness."
".-But if my daughter should approve of what I ara about
proposing fo you–should she, therefore, be obl]ged fo refuse fo
herself an innocent desire, fo give you an opportunity fo displ#y
a firmness of char#cter, that, if you will allow me to speak so,
may be based upon wrong presumptions # Indeed, l#[r. Borgen-
stiernu, your pretensions are hOt small for a brideg#-oom, and if
is just the question v¢hether my Amelia #vill suit you as a house-
If was easi]y tobe seen that the ]ieu#enau#-co]one] was l#iqued,
eveu orfended. ]#orgens#ierna s#w that ]#e ]md gone too i##r, as
l#e did no# know #vha# the intentions of the Otller real]y #vere;
but if if happened, and he could on]y console himself by the f#ct
#]3##, in case his SUSl#}C#ons #ere correct, ##d there shou]d be,
##cording to his rieurs, sometMng #roug in the litt]e circum-
s#nce, ]ae wou]d be coml#lete!y right in exl#ressing himse]f i#
#e #ay he had.
« ##r e ]#ave dev#ated from #he rea] theme of our conversation,"
#aid ]#orgens#ierna, resuming the bro]#en tl#re#d of the d]a]ogue]
« m#y # entreat you fo acqua#u# me with your wish #"
The lieutenaut-colone], who cer##inly #as hot #ble #o coin-

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