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"THAT iS a very pretty income, l#Ir. t#orgcnsticrna, and I bave
by no means any objection fo your proposal. On the contrary,
I think I bave all reason fo congrahflate my daughter and
myself on the choice, by which you have honoured us; but you
will allow me to manifest an insignificant hesitation, caused by a
certain cîrcumstance, to clear which lies altogether with you;
and, af the saine rime, I cannot help ent.ertaining the convic-
tion that my future son-in-law will hOt fail to pay proper regard
fo if."
This speech of the lieutenant-colonel was given in a measured
¢one, uttered between pride and politeness. He also flattered
himse]f with the idea that he had ruade quite an impression
upon Borgenstierna; but the lofty-bearing tone that the lieu-
tenant-colonel found impossible fo deny himself at this moment,
awoke altogether au opposite feeling within out hero’s breast
than the speaker had intended if should, tic replied, neverthe-
less, with the utmost politeness:
"If, lV[r. de Dressen, your desire is of that kind that if does
not clash with former feelings or principles hitherto entertained,
I will undoubtedly reply fo if with the greatest pleasure." ,
"Ahem! I do not understand what you mean by your fomer
principles. These may be very agreeable, and af the saine rime
very detestable, and often, very often, approach nigh unto obsti-
nacy; but this does not belong here. I only say, that I ara of
the opinion that the man who barters with a father concerning
the hand of a daughter, should hOt stick so close to old
principles. One ought fo presume, a# leas#, as long as the marrer
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