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"Certain circumstances," said ]#orgensticrna, his conscience
not af ull troubled af placing his future f#ther-in-luw on the
r#c# of curiosity, "some t#e ago cuused me fo leave
lire into which I had entered, and I bave hot deemed it neces-
sary fo rctm-n bac# fo that path, evcn with the independency
which I now enjoy."
« i #dersta##d, I underst#td; it # narre’al thut one should
love #eedom and independcnce, if one can bave it. This is
co#ect theo##: but it should hot be carried to extremes.
any c#se, if is ve## useful fo h#ve such a #ttle word before one’s
"Abou# tha# I ara of a con#rary option. A free
an honest naine, #vhose ways of t##ing and acting prove the
nob#ty of #s hea## pure m#d unalloyed, and who is equully
dist#t from egotistic «dculation as from #crhaps thc entons
fear of the world#such a man does hot requ#e a bo#ting
escutcheon belote his naine."
" O! yes, t#ly! believe me, Mr. Borgenstie#u, such an
escutchcon, as you please fo call if, bas its value Mso. You
would oblige me very much, and make me vew happy, if you
could m#ke up yo# #d to assume it ##in."
"But supposing that if is hot adequate fo the young hdy’s
rank# You were plcascd fo mention belote "
"Belote, I spoke in anger–lct us forger that; but now I #y,
let the gentleman proche a #ttle word belote # name, #d
ara satisfied, only that I may hot be compelled fo hear the s#ple
hume Borgenstierna proclaimed from the pulpit i for I confe#
thut I ara labouring undcr the weakness, if it eau so be callcd,
thut I #e titles. They are, to use that expression, the
brothcrs of us chevaliers. #ay, even sti# more, these are almost
#n intcgral pa# of us; and # nobleman #thout a titlc always
appeared to me # something ncither hot nor cold."
"From the lips of the lieutenant-colonel, who is himselfa
chevu#er# t# expression does hot so#d ve# flatter#g," rep#ed
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