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Borgenstierna; "a supposition might be traced from if, which
#night not be very flattering to the nobility."
"Let us stick to our subject," said the lieutenant-colonel, with
a slight flush. "I only wish to put one more question to you–
a question which, taken in the strictest sense, might sound
rather indiscreet, but if may mcet with some excuse flore the
çact that I am a #oTea# loyer of order in all things. Do you
receive people in your own bouse who bear your own naine,
Mr. Borgenstierna? I mean, whether you bave relations–near
relations who may claire such a privilege ?"
At first, Borgenstierna was near giving a sharp answer fo this
very odd question; but he soon perceived that the motive that
prompted if was the licutenant-colonel’s fear that he might, on
some fine day, meet the skjuts«boy in h#s bouse, and he there-
fore only answered, in general terms, and in strict conformity fo
the truth, that he actually did hOt know one person bearing his
own naine, but tha# his house was open to any one who claimed
his hospitality.
"Yery well, very well," said the lieutenant-colonel; "and
concerning the escutcheon–a droll idea–-it is a settled çact that
you again assume it." #
"To be sincere, I would rather not do so; and I must also
draw your attention fo the fact, that I am hot entit]ed to assume
an equal rank with the lieutenant-colonel in the circles ofsociety;
for these reasons I should think if better fo allow the subject fo
":No, no, do hot think of such a thing; let us hot lose any
more rime, but tell me what you have been before. I ara very
anxious indeed fo know if."
"Excuse me; for, concerning that point, I ara unable af this
moment to satisfy your desires. If it is absolutely necessary
that I should procure a title although my convictions are
utterly against ib–it shall be the one which I once s#rove fo
attain as a #reat mark of distinction; but this remains my
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