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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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#nystery until thc day of proclamation, and if you are satisfied
to hear if proclaimed from the l»ulpit, I ara ready fo fulfil what
I bave l»romised, with the express condition that you #vill
always remcmber that the proposition did hot emanate from me."
"Your conditions, hrr. t#orgenstierna, are odd indeed; but
undcr the convictio## tha# nothing dishonourable is connected
with your former life#neithcr in your public nor private lif##
I will consent, only wishing that you give your woM as a gentle-
man of honour, tha# nothing dishonourable or ridiculous is
att#chcd to if."
"That I can assure you#that there is nothing dishonoumble
or ridiculous connccted with it; but you will find, bIr. Lieu-
tenant-colonel, that the difference between your family and my.,
self is neverthelcss quite considerable."
"That amounts fo nothing, Mr. Borgenstierna#–not the least.
You axe yet a young man, and in good rime cotmsel will come;
besidcs that, it is not cvery one who c,#n push himself Mong as I
did, but I had also a number of family connexions, and his
]#Iajesty the l#ing had had a personal affection toward me. In
short, our mutuM position from the commencement was unequal,
and yct you would bc welcome fo nm for my son-in-law, #s #
gentlcman and a man of honour, even if you did not own such #
splendid cstatc as Rocstorp."
Borgcnstierna’s only answer to these compliments was a slight
bow, and the lieutenant-colonel, #ftcr a moment’s reflection,
resumed thc conversation:
" I think that. now all doubt is clcared away, and I cannot
think otherwise than that the marrer is se#tled. Rendcr Ameli#
happy. She is a noble gh-1, bas had a good education; sensible,
industrious, and withal fond of domestic duties#God bless you
both !"
The words were followed by # grand embrace, into w]fich the
lieutenant-colonel threw as much feeling as the importan#
moment required. #V[adamc d# Dresscn and Amelia were now

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