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day he perceived the cel#ainty, that #Vir#n could be but unhal#l#y
at the sight of such a #vife.
#ew and altogether other sentiments arose #itl# #irginia’s
souh At first slightly, and afterwards more violently, she had
irresistibly been fettered by Borgenstierna’s gloomy, glowing,
and speaking eyes, after she had ,qgain dived into thcm for
a second look. #Vhatever he said short, plain, manly, and
powerful–-gained her applause ; she loved fo listen, but never
entered into a conversation with him, and often held ber breath,
that she might hOt lose a sound that fell from his lips. If was
a sensation of indescribable pleasure .fo be in his presence ; and,
that she might not disturb this impression, slm did hot dare
make even the slightest motion which might bave disturbed the
state of mind into whîch his presence had placed ber.
#rirginia had hot, as yet, accounted fo hcrself for this strange
order of things, until one evening she caught herself in an ex-
pression of ber feelings # which was as shocking as if was painful
fo ber.
Wir#n had proposed a boat ride, for the purpose of netting
mullet. Besides the assessor, his wife, and Borgenstierna, there
was only an assistant going with them. Borgenstierna stood
with one foot upon the side of the boat, and, bending too far
over if, lost his balance, and fell into the water, coming very
near upsett]ng the boat with its contents.
/kt the moment that t#orgenstierna fell into the water, #rirginia
screamed involuntarily # ber husband turned toward ber in sur-
prise, and the first untruth passed #ner lips when she said, "I
thought the boat would overturn."
"There is no danger concerning that," said Wirén, assisting
Iris fricnd, from the sudden but harmless b#th, back into the boat.
¥irginia was silent; but irom that moment it appe#red to ber
Chat the blemish that tarnished ber heart was stamped on her
Borgensticrna took leave of his fricnds; she rcnmined as she
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