- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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#ItE SKJUT$-BOY. 267
had been before ; but if was reserved for the letter before men-
tioned fo arouse ber from the apathy in which she had remained
so long–an almost happy llfe, compared with the one she now
commenced. She perceived clearly that she had become un-
faitKful fo ber intention fo rcndcr ber husband happy–in short,
that she had missed ber whole existence. XVith deep grief, she
now discovered what had become of ber, and saw that the only
one who could possibly bave saved ber disliked fo enter into any
contact with ber, and did hot wish even fo visit his fricnd, thag
he might hot be near the being whose appearance alone ruade
such a cold and dis#masting impression upon him–that he hot
only pitied the man who had allied his rate with hers, but round
himself even prevented by that which he saw in ber domestic
lire front fulfilling his intentions of entering into a "second
This was hard, and more than sufficient fo crush a woman’s
hear# that did hot know upon what fo suppor# itself; but Vir-
ginia’s trials were hot ye# ended. Even if she did give way fo
ber new inclination, there, ncvertheless, arose a new spirit within
ber the next moment, and she came fo thc firm conclusion fo be
another being toward her husband for the future.
I-#er soul, of which it might be said, ifs truc lire had just
begun, did hot lack strength ; but, lef$ entirely fo ber own self,
she wàs tossed upon an unknowai sca ; hot unlike a mariner,
who intends fo stecr stmigl.tforward fo his place of destination,
but who, without l#nowledge of the concealed rocks and sand-
banks that are in his path, is wrecked in consequence of his own
¥irgiaia’s desire was fo be a tender, loving wffe; she now
intended fo be everything fo ber husband, whom she had #o
little cared for hitherto. She meant fo restore fo him every
thought, every feeling which she had squandercd, against ber
better knowledge, upon a man who esteemcd ber but little ; she
iutended fo bccomc more tcndcr, more plcasing, more amiable,

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