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And in thess words, ""# shall smils no mors," which were
11ttered with almosg wild an#mfish, lay ghs whole story of ber
soul, the plain confession of # reng hear# striving with itself.
#¢¢irén stood a few moments thunder-##rieken ; he had never
seen ber thus before#so exal#ed, earnest, and deel#ly moved by
the l#owerful emo#ions of her mind.
"##y ¥irgini#, my love," he exelaimed, "why do you
so ? Wa# #he smile caused by your friendliness, which g#ve
so much joy, nog ghs involuntary aegion of your
should i##-"
And in ghis manner Wirén inquired farther in his mind, and
forgo# by if #11 his former l»rinei#les, ungil he finally arrived
the #ru#h, and sa# himself alone. ¥irginia had lefg him, over-
corne by ghs storm of ber p#ssions, which his eyes could hot bs
allowed #o ses. He so#ght for ber in her sleel#ing al##rtmeng#-
she was hot #here. #e seaxehed in ths ki#ehen, the l#an#ry, and
in ghe cellar#¥irginia w#s nowhers fo bs found.
#¥irén was nearly cr#zed with anxiegy. Ougside, in ths cold
winter #wiligh#, #he show was falling in largs flakes.
"Virginie#, my ¥irgini#," resounded through ths deser#ed
garden. #he servants wers moved #o aetion##hey eould no#
imagine wha# had happened to their toaster.
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