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AT the second question of her husband, and af the look by
which he accompanied it, ¥irginia’s soul, usually so devoid of
feeling, was deeply moved. They both told ber that he did hot
only entertain suspicion, but that he was acqu#inted with the
unfaithfulness of ber heart.
What could she now do # what had dissimulation avafled ber ?
and what would if avail her hereafter ? A hysteric sensation
contracted her bosom, and she was scarcely able fo breathe.
#nobserved she hurried down the stairs, and through the court-
yard, and entered a small summer-house in the garden, where
she sank down upon a sofa.
She felt neither the cold that chilled ber limbs, nor the ShOW
through which she had waded. She felt nothing but # glowing
flame within her heart and brain. She knew that she had
betrayed the confidence of ber husband, and had engulfed herself
still more deeply; that she had licd with ber hear# and lips, for
the purpose of doing what she thought was ber duty; she felt
"" That her love, her tenderness, were false,
And her every look was but a lie."
With ¥irginia, as with every womau of strict moral prin-
ciples, ail unfaithfulness of the heart was equivalent fo a breach
of the marriage vow. The degradation of ber more exalted
nature did hOt appear to ber less pitiable, although she, who was
born with the finest feeling of honour, shrank back in horror
from the thought of a coarse dcreliction of ber duty as a wife.
To bave lost, through ber own means, the esteem and respect
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