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sort, mysterious glare of the lamp, the curtains fluttering like
whitc clouds around ber, and her naturally goldert curls fell ir#
clusters over ber faultless ncck. l#ever before had she appeared
so bcautiful; and although wounded womanly vanity was hand-
in-hand with ber sirtcere repentance, she was now, nevcrthêless,
when weighcd down by humility, the mos# magnificent subject
for a repent#nt ]#{agdalen# that was ever beheld.
#Virén knclt down near the sofa, and for the first rime she re-
turned his burning kisses.
On the following morning he wrote fo Borgenstierr;a:–
"I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, de,nr
brother; and, although I think th#t you bave no reason for
bcing so reserved as fo your intentions, I shall hot upbraid you;
but will pray fo the Lord to render you as happy as I now am.
You might hure been of the opinion, perhaps, by what you have
secn, that such a prayer would hot amount to much. ]3ug as fo
that you axe much mistakcn; that leaf in our domestic lire which
you found exposcd, you wfll hOt see ,ngain. It bas been effaced,
even to the lest letter; for the writing was false. I h#ve hOt been
acquainted with the beautiful and great heart of my Vir#nia
until now. I dare say, with the fullest and h#ppiest assurance,
that she loves me now as well #s I loved ber long ago. The
dark hour bas passed over; a gloomy clou# #’vas suspended over
our hcads; but, heaven be praised, the darkness bas given way
before the brightcst light. The cloud h#s vmaished like the
morning mist; and amid the confusion and roaring of the ele-
ments Virginie and I havc round each other.
« When you are conveying your young wife home, I hope that
your road will pass Elmtaryd.: if this îs impossible, then let me
know, and I will bring my wife. fo Roestorp, for we wish fo
partake with you in your happiness. For my own part, I can
ha«dly deny myself the ple#sure of being # witness of the piquant
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