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my life upon if. The flower of out love will arise from if, still
more beautiïul» and never more will fade."
#Vith a deep blush, and highly moved oey lais tender emotions,
¥irginia raiscd ber head, and a hcavcnly glance of gratitude, shot
frein her heretofore cold, passionless eye.
"Wir#n," said she, "#vhat you believe I believe also; there is
something within me which tells me, that frein this naoment a
new and more beautiful epoch of my lire begins. Only one thing
might yet crush me, and it would take much courage and a long
rime te restore myself but I hope I need net be afraid of that
–or should I "
I#ere #e looked up into the face of ber husband, with an in-
describable expression of an##ish depicted Ul)On ber fcatures. It
appcared as though shc wished te penetrate into his very seul, te,
seek the answer te ber doubt.
But Wirén, who had already prepared himseff for such a
question, and had resolved te conceal the truth frein ber, think-
ia#g if #vould be better, rcplied, with the utmos# composure, and
without reflection,
"Concerning that, you need bave no fears, dear #irgini##; hc
is se far frein guesging the rcality, that he would rather bclieve
that he was able te melt the ice-covered peaks of ]#Iount Blanc
#vith his breath, than your heart, which he consîdcrs still more
"Good," replied Virginia, elevating ber head with more pride
Chan usual; "he shall never bclieve othcrwise. All thc flames
that are new burning within my besoin shall henceforward only
glow in gratitude for you. You have saved me frein the storm
which threatened te crush my very life; you, and you alone of
Che whole world, bave loved me, and you will teach me te love
you in return, tte originated the spark; you shall fan it into a
still brighter flame."
#q’as this ¥irginia who spoke these sweet-sounding words ?
Yes, if was she. She sat erect upon ber bed, ench’cled with the
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