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THE first of Aprîl, 1834, arose from its misty couch, and
shook in its vanity the light folds of ifs night-robe, untfl the
latter gradually sunk beneath the horizon, and the young day
peeped forth in all its glorious beauty. Ai Tunefors all was
stirring. The morning had hardly dawned when ]#Iadame de
Dressen and her servants had risen fo cook, boil, and fo roast,
for they were waiting for their neighbours fo arrive, as they
had been invited to attend, after church service, fo congratulate
the happy couple. It was the first day of the proclamation of
the bans. .
Borgenstierna had arrived a few days before, and had given
the pastor the necessary documents. The lieutenant-colonel was
exceedingly anxious fo inquire of the minister what was the
title of his future son-in-law; but his digmity would nog allow
him to do so, and stfll he could hot possibly lower himself so
much as to ask his wife go inquire about it of Amelia, who,
fo judge from thc intimacy that existed between the loyers,
was undoubtedly acquainted with Ivar’s most secret thoughts.
The lieutenant-colonel, therefore, perceived that decency re-
quired him to rcstrain his curiosity; but he was obliged fo gîve
way to it h# a slight degree, for he could hOt possibly wait so
long a rime until the guests would arrive, tIe was forced,
therefore, to discover some middle passage# and, thanks #o
cunning, he did so.
At breakfast, when the family had assembled, out good
lieutenant-colonel suddenly remembered that he had some im-
portant bushless fo attend te, at the distance of a mlle from
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