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Tunefors, and he thcrefore commanded the servant to prepaxe
his cart, which, by-the-by, hc was pleased to call his gig.
His #vifc smiled; she could rend ber husband, and it was plain
to ber that lin was making a roundabout rond toward the church;
but as she w# just as ccrtain that he would hot sin so much
agah#st all custom as hot fo be l#rescnt af the proclamation of
his own child, she supposed that ber husband would hot deem if
beneath his dignity fo listen toit from the vestry-room. She
was right. The sermon had scarcely been concluded, when, af
about half-past clevcn, the outside door was slightly opened, and
the lieutenant-colonel thrust his hcad through if, much fo the
surprise of the scxton, saluting the astonishcd man with a friendly
and condescending nod. ’
Borgcnstierna, af the saine moment, pressed the hand of his
bctrothcd with a certain uneasiness, and #ni(l,
"l#erhaps you are hot satisfied with it, Amelia. You know
I bave placed ¢hc marrer entirely in your own hands; and for
your #ke I will refrain from if, although I think if is right."
":But I do hot #vish you, even for my sake, to refrain from
anything that you consider right and reasonable. Do you not
thînk that I know but too well how to csteem the treasure #vhich
I bave gained in your heart, fo care about a marrer no#v for
wtfich I never carcd bcfore ? My dear Ivar, we are of thc saine
opinion. Far from rcl»cnting , #[ ara, on the coutrary, very glad
tobe enabled fo show you how willingly and sincerely I shall
always comp]y with your desires."
"Yes, dcurest, as for the main question I ara, thank God,
firmly convinced; but that is hot what I mean. I have bcen
thinking what your çather would say."
"So bave I, dear Ivar # during the wholc night I bave thought
nmre about my fathcr than of you, and I bave said fo myself, at
]cast a hundred rimes, God grant that evenîng had alrcady
arrived; but if is not yet noon, #tnd you may believe that I do
hot fcel very comfortablc."
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