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"Ycs, I believe you, Sol#hi# # but, in the naine of God, put
out your rires and shut up thc kitchen, for there is no use for
them to-d#y."
"What do you mean, dear De Dresscn ]"
"I mcan fo say, simply, th#t no congratulations sh#ll bc re-
ceived, and that, very prob#bly, tho whole ceremony will be for
naught; for ff he does hot procure himself # title, none of you,
eithcr you, ]#Iiss t’erg, or the gentleman, need imagine th#t I
#vill give my consent to the m#rriage of my daughter with a#-a#-
the devil take if! I am almost crazy when I think of such a
"My dearest and only Drcssen, I will soon be with you," she
intcrrupted him, and, casting aside the tm’key, followcd him into
the next room.
"Alas!" excl#imed she, despairingly; "I hope you will hot
expose us fo the ridicule of the whole world, rendering Amelia
unhappy and myself insane# l#cflect, for t]:eaven’s sake, only
reflect. Remember that you y ourself bave invitcd the neigh-
bom-s to dinner, which is now waiting for them."
"Hush! be still; do not cram my cars so ftfll of this ctu#sed
stuff. If you only knew what # fine title your stupid son-in-lave
"Well, my dear, #vh#t is if #."
"Tanner!" shouted the lieutenant-colonel, breaking out in a
scream of snecring, malîcious laughter. "31#aster-tanner–-a
mechanic !"
"A meclmnic!" exclaimcd Madame de Dressen, somewhat
confuscd. "Ah, dear Dressen, you must hot fcel so bad about
it. I understand if all. Rest ussured thut it az’ises from your
quarrelling about titles. You know well cnough, dear husband,
that he owns # tanne.ry, and has, therefore, ruade this little joke,
wishing by it "
The poor woman was in a dilemma; she did not know how
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