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wHr sxjtrrs-Bo#c. 283
thundcr-cloud that overshadowed the lieutenant-colonel’s brow.
:By tes hasty driving she had already seen, at a distance, that a
storm was approaching.
She had known as little about the secret proclamation as ber
lord and husband. Amelia had al one rime intended to tell ber
about the secret of ber betrothed # but she declined hearing it, as
she thought it would be better for ber hot fo know what title
]3orgenstierna was fo bave before hls naine.
" For if it does hot please papa," said the .sensible and prudent
lady, "I should bave to bear the reproach for my whole lire, that
I h#d helped you in deceiving him."
The finale of the matter proved that she was correct.
"Do you honour the name of your husband so highly, that you
will assist in the degradation of both your ancestors and your
posterity #"
Thus the lieutenant-colonel first addressed his wife, as he
hastily entered the kitchcn, and advanced to the spot where she
was busily engaged in stuffing a turkey-cock, which was destined
fo be roasted.
"Dear De Dressen, what do you mean# For Heaven’s sake
be calm, and allow it to explain itself. I do hot understand
anything about it. Look at me, and say whether you believe
me, or I shall be deeply grieved."
There was so much good-nature and disarming kindness about
hladame de Dressen’s prayer, that he could hot refuse if.
He looked searchingly into ber countenance, and as during
the twenty years of their marriage he had become cognizant of
the fact that she was a loyer of truth, he could no longer be so
foolish as fo continue to reproach ber for having deceived him.
]3orgenstierna and Amelia, therefore, were the only guilty
"Do you believe me#" inquired M:ad#mo de Dressen, extend-
ing the forl# toward hîm, a# though it was the wand of a sor-
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