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286 ##E SKJUTS-#OY.
"Yes, I have been there, fo be told how meanly you treated
the trust I placed in you."
The lieutenant-colonel thought th#t he had infused sufficient
contempt into these words to crush ]3orgensticrna artd completely
destroy his equilibrium.
But he was much mistaken. ]3orgenstierna replied with
politeness, but without submission :–
"With your express permission I bave only renewed my title,
avhich I had formerly strivea fo obtain. I was once a jouraaey-
man tanner before I was appointed overseer of my fathcr-in-law’s
tannery. As I conducted all his business afi#airs, he kindly
granted me the title of factor, which I retained until I became,
after his death, the owner of lRoestorp."
"But why the devil did you hOt style yourself :Patron of the
Mines, as other sensible people do, when they conduct the busi-
ness of mining?"
"I bave hot a right to do so, for the mines are hot my free
property; but as X own a large tannery, I could hOt comply
with your request to place tf title before my naine in any other
manner than by calling myself toaster-tanner."
"Well, if is enough to drive one mad. Was such folly ever
before heard of? X spoke of a title, hot a diploma of master-
"The word #itle never passed my lips. I even dr#w your
#ttention to that fact."
"But I did so," cried the lieutenant-colonel, who did hot wish
fo listen to further explanations; "and as I ara hot ###illing fo
bave a tanner for my son-in-law, I declare fo you, that the whole
trfi#air shall be broken up, if you do hot immediately petition for
a title. Where my honour is concerned, I do hot allow anybody
fo dance upon my nose."
"That means, therefore, if I understand you rightly, that you
intend to break your word and to commit an act that is equally
ag variance with the honour of a gentleman ?"
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