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"]3y no means! When I gave my word I did net know
that iL wasa mechanic that proposed for my daughter’s hand."
"hfy dear lieutenant-colonel, let us place all sharp words
.aside; they will serve only te lead us more and more frein our
object," replied ]3orgenstierna, sincerely. "Let us understand
each other aright. X am new as little a mechanic as af the rime
#vhen X proposcd for Amelia’s hand. I consider if an honour te
be a free man alone, independcnt of the obligations of ra.nk and
caste, lV[aster of my own estate, I d.espise all titles frein the
bottom of my heart. But that I did net defend my principles
#vith sufficient power, which, te tell the truth, should bave been
rny duty, and te give you the conviction ,that I would never
submit te your views; all this originates from a cause which I
wi]l take the liberty of communicating te you ai a more appro-
priate season. Allow me te assure you that if wîll be my
l#leasure te comply with your wishes in all other respects; but
concerning the title, I shall stand by my former position # and I
think that your sentiments are too noble, that I should buy my
happiness af the expense of my principles."
"Principles! you say; they are nothing but fooleries–diffe-
ren# views of life, but no principles. What will the world say,
when thcy are informed, as it certainly is yet doubtful, that I,
whose firm principles agains# such foolish views are known te all,
should bave given my daughter te a man without a title ?"
"The world #vill say, ’ The lieutenant-colonel is too much
enlightened te maintain a principle, for any length of time,
which, as experience shows, is daily losing Wound. Only cast a
look af the numerous marriage-notices in the newspapers, and
you will be convinced that nothing is more common than that
noble ladies are wedded te honest civilians.’"
"And Borgenstierna is still a noblem##n !" exclaimed #1:adame
de Dressen, who had net before ventured te raise her gentle
voice; "and X ara convinced that he will never call himself
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