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new species of 1)atriotism, :Borgenstierna stood near the #vindow
in silence. I-Ils cheeks were mantled with a deep blush, and a
sentiment of shame filled his bosom.
:Borgenstierna reproached himself bitterly for listening silently
to the vain l)resunlptions of his father-in-law, tte had allowed
himself fo be seduced fo this method of action toward the
lieutenant-colonel, by the dcsh-e of revenging an old insult that
he had received from him, and by doing so, had forced his better
feelings into the background. Ite had used one of those paltry,
pointed nmlices, fo execute which none but the mos# despicable
would degrade himself; and therefore had comm#tted a fault that
one would hot bave exl»ected from a man of his usual manner of
acting and thinking. He was gradually drawn into the merri-
ment of the society there asscmbled, and Amelia’s soothing voice,
and ber eyes, which reflected the happiness within, drove away
the thoughts that pained him; and before the company had sat
down to the dinner-tablc, #Borgenstierna had resumed his usual
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