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Trie four weeks which ensued .between the proclamation or
the bans and the wedding soon passed. On the first day of
Mina, now l#lrs. Lamm, #t beside Amelia’s table, busily engaged
in winding the bridal wreath, her cheerful voice keeping timo
v¢ith ber busy fingers, as she sangm
"" We wind for you the bride! wreath,
Entwining violets and silk !"
"You are an odd person, with your violeçs and si]k," said
Amelia, laughing; "it should be violet-coloured silk."
"How can you be so foolish ?" replied Min#, curling ber little
nose. "I think I bave wound enough bridal crowns and wreaths,"
but never wound one with blue silk. Don’t you know that it
rne#ns a kind of flower thaç is called a violet # and in pla#e of
rnyrtle, or other green leaves, they make them of green taffeta,
as I h#ve often done myself, when I have ruade funeral wreaths,
or bridal crowns, having nothing better on hand çhan glazed
paper fo make them of."
"You are truly a precious # girl," s#id Amelia, and playing
#vith Mina’s golden locks, she shook them right heartily, and
pressed # v¢arm kiss upon them.
"Oh, oh! my hair !" cried Mina, in much fear. ":M.y poor
Lamm has sought M1 over the bouse for paper fo do up my curls
in. God gr#nt it, Amelia» tlmt you may bave just such a man
as my Lamm."
":No, no, I do hot ,«ish to hem" anything about a Lamb; such
lamblike mea do hot suit me."
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