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and could hot praise his son-in-law’s taste, as well as his tender
attentions towards his bride, too much.
Ont thing was lacking, however, and about this one thing
the lieu#enanç-colonel inquired in a modest whisper.
" Will you hOt bave a coat of arms painted on if, dear son #"
" It would scarcely be worth while to paint the crest of the
:Borgenstiernas upon it," replicd I var, with a smile.
" But as you have given the carriage fo Amelia, and she still
bears her maiden name, if might not be inappropriate fo deco-
rate the coach door with the De Dressen crest. Iç always gives
a certain authoriçy, and always looks noble and brilliant."
" In that case, we should run the risk of a rogue passing by
and painçing a tanner’s coat of arms, surmounted by an ox’s
head, upon if ; this would be a serious joke, and might give rise
fo many unpleasant anecdotes."
"As you please," replied the lieutenanç-colonel, somewhat
piqued; he felt, however, that it would be more prudent fo
abstain altogether from the marrer, and thus avoid a!l contro-
In the meantime we will allow the De ])ressens to res# un#il
the arrival of the important day.
We bave hOt much to say of the wedding itself; we may,
therefore, without injury ço the çhread of our story, jump over
seveml days, and imagine ourselves, on the fifth morning after
the wedding, in the courç-yard.
The new carriage is standing before the door, and the young
wife is busily engaged in packing the coach-boxes, accompanied
by Mrs. Lamm, who assists her during the las# hour with ber
" For the sake of heaven! do hot place the smoked goose-
breast with the wheat-cakes, they will take an oily taste, and
you noyer will be able to offer them fo your husband again; but,
Amelia, you appear confused; what is the marrer wit, h you,
chfld of humanity ? Do you hOt sec that your new bonnet
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