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ribbon lies close beside the prcserves. Yes, yes; just as I am
thinking where fo put it, she cornes and purs a pot of plum
jelly upon it. ¥ou might bave spared yourself that trouble, for
I bave often been present on such occasions, and know how fo
manage such goods."
" Dcar Mina, do not become an#-n3r with me on the last morn-
ln#," -" replied Amelia, in a Sone which aS once disarmed hcr rash,
well-meaning, but hard-headed little friend.
" 0 Lord ! whaS a whining voice that is, Amelia ! God bless
me, I really believe that you are crying. Ah! you bad chfld,
this is the reason why you bave been so busy packing; you
did hOt #vish me fo see you weep. Do hOt be ashamed of your
tears» dear Amelia ; after your mother, I am your best friend
you hardly know how much I think of you, and how painfully I
shall miss you when you are away."
tIere Mina, who had knelt close beside ber friend in the car-
riage, pressed ber to ber bosom, and paSSed ber cheeks. Amelia’s
tears, however» flowed still more freely.
" Now tell me why you are weepîng; I do hOt think you are
a chi]d, and therefore would hot shed tears for nothing. You
know that your parents are going
will stay there with you four weeks ; whag more can you wish,
when everythîng favom-s your own desires ? It is something
clse surely. Perhaps your husband bas already been treating
you impolitely #"
Amelia made a violent denyiug gesture with ber hand.
" tlow can you ask me such a question ?"
" Ah, dear Amelia, such odd questions bave often been asked,
and as often been answered. I am sure that there are many
men who are no# fo be known until a week bas passed. God
save me, however, from thi#king of your own dear one other
than good things; but the proverb says, ’ Smooth waters are
deep, and whatever does hot burn, you don’t blow af.’ lgow,
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