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302 T]z#. SKJUTS-BOY.
ber parents, he inquired wîth lively înterest whether Assessor
Wirén had hot yet been seen.
":Not# yet, #[r. :Patroon; but I bave receivcd a letter from
:M:r. Wir5n, stating that the gentlefolks will be here to-morrow
I1OOll. ##
Thc title ":Patroolf’ sounded sweet fo the lieutenant-colonel’s
ears. "Thag is something, aL least !" #vhispered he to his wife;
"and if Amelia has hot lost all feeling for the honour und dig#ity
of her family, she will use flatteries and female cunning sufiicien#
fo cause him to l#rocure manufacturing p_rivileges for his l#oes-
torp # for my son-in-l#w, the toaster of a factory sounds infi#tely
better than simple l##troon. ’’
"As much as l#atroon sounds better than toaster-tanner,"
#dded h![adame de Dresse##, attempting a joke, which she had
not done before for a long rime.
The lieutenant-colonel looked ai his wife with extended eyes;
he #aid nothing, however, for she laid ber hand upon his arm,
and l#ointed to the bcautiful mansion, the present home of ber
The lieutenaat-coloncl’s vanity#a feeling which he held on
equality with his pr.ide–was tickled exceedingly.
":By my soul, Sophîa, that is very elegant !" s#id he, elevating
his head still higher, with the utmost dignity, as he looked with
examining eyc at the splendid cur#ains, the firsg things that
his gaze. "Look here : do you ste, dear Sophia? red, blue, and
green festoons, sl#lendid, fringe, brillim#t tassels, and snow-white
curtains ! _St is strange that a man of such refined sentiments
does not wish to assume a title. Certainly evcry .mar# bas his
whims, and this is l#eculiarly #he case with ]#orgenstie#’na,
although he is a mar# of honotu-in every other respect. The
devil take me ! such faste ! X)o you see the balcony up there
with the table upon it # Look, Sophia, how invitingly if holds
forth comfort and enjoyment5 !"
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