- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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#:r## sr, Jvws-no#’. 303
The table which so particularly attracted the lieutenant-
coloncrs attention w#s covered with shining bottles #nd tumblers,
together with heaped-up p#tes of sweetmeats and preserves,
of which the factor knew so well ho# fo #rrange, that if had
evea a small touch of art in
"What room is that with the red silk c##s #" inquired
Ameli# look#g up at the high windows.
"The p#rlour," replied #orgenstierna, to whom the uncon-
ce#ed ple##e of his wife w# a so#ce of much joy#
"And the one with the green ones, dear Ivar #"
"Th#t # the sleeping-room ; the iëstoons oa the white bed-
c#-ta#s are of the #ame mate##."
"Ah, that is magnfficent ]" exc#med Amdi# and cl#pped
ber h## h# joy. "You bave been too prodigal in your ##nge-
ments. #ut what room is that with the blue cu#Mns #"
"Tht is a little cabinet; formerly it #as # nu##ing-room for
Affred: I h#ve had if newly painted and furnished according to
my faste. #t is destined fo be your sitting-room, dear #melia,
for if is directly in the centre of the house."
"Ah, Ivar, ho#v can I thank you sufficiently ##y words
am #able fo do so# I see that you bave deprived yo#self of
all comfo#, fo la#sh ifupon me ]"
"I smoke in my own room, where I #lso receive people with
whom I h#ve business; therefore all sl»lendour wo#d be mis-
place#Mthough, I confess, I bave # weakness for eleg#nce.
I #sh fo enjoy # few comfo#able hours, I wi# corne fo yo#"
"And how welcome you will #lways be fo me] Oh#
already #agine how I sh#l w«dt and #ten for you! How
nicely I shall keep everyth#g arranged ! I can always read in
your eyes whether you want me to kee# af my work # silence,
or whether X shall spr#g h#to yo# a#s !"
"Buç le# us look after someth#g else than the c###s," said
#he lieutenant-colonel, interrupting the hea#y interchange of

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