- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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sentiments betwecn the loving couple. "Although I admire
them very much, thc table yonder looks so inviting, that I cannot
forgive my conscience fo allow if fo beckon for nothing !"
In the mcantime, A_meli#’s moth.er, who did hot care so much
about curtains and magnificence, had been busily engaged in
ex#mining thc grounds. 2# number of fine fowls showed th#t
they had been #vcll carcd for; and the immense milk-p#ils wlfich
werc bcing carricd through the yard, led fo the conclusion that
therc was an exccl|ent stock of milch cattlc.
In ]»igh spirits, the party entered the beautiful mansion, the
splendid parlours and inodest rooms of which were awaiting the
young wifc. 2klmost every door was standing open, and each
wJndow #vas orn#mcnted with flowers, which pleased the malter
of the bouse very much; and, as if in a hot-house, the way led
through pots of shrubbery and flowcrs.
" tterc," sa.id Borgenstierna, pressing his wife fo hLs bosom,
when they lmd finally arrived ## little &lfred’s room, " here
you are ,#t home, my Ameli#. #V[ay God grant me the plcasure
of rendering you as happy as itis my desire !"
"Ah! upol# my soul, I think therc will bc no trouble !" said
the lieutenant-colonel, his eyes beaming with paternal prîde.
"In a bouse .#o splendidly ïurnished and arranged #s this is,
beside a noble-he,##oEcd husband, a wife may, indeed, be satisfied.
What do you thi#.#k, Sophî# ? If was not more eleg’ant, I swear,
af my gTe,#t-aunt’s, the Countcss T.. .. But now let us inspect
the balcony."
The licutemmt-colonel extended his hand to his son-in-law,
and #Iadame de Dressen embruced him with maternal tender-
ness. Th# family then sat around the elegantly ïurnished table
tl#at had #ttractëd the lieuten#nt-coloners eyes long ago. The
wine was excellent, and the sweetmeats equally so. Many
glasses were cmptied to the welfare of the newly-m###ied couple,
as gaily and hcartily as was ever done before on such an

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