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_4 T the breakfast-table, where the company were first assembled,
Amelîa, for the first rime, performed the hostess. She looked
excecdingly charming in ber morning dress, ruade of green
merino, and the little white apron, with a bunch of keys sus-
pendcd from it. Her little #vhite cap looked as neat as ever
could be the case with a pretty young wife.
Borgenstierna was unable to remove his eyes from his pleasant
little Sl»OUSe. The ncat, tiny cups had never looked so well as
to-day, for they had been arranged by Amelia’s own hands; and,
although he did not like coffee vcry well, yet he accepted two
cups, as in the manner in #vhich Amelia presented them there
was so much grace that he ïound it impossible fo refuse ber.
hIadame De Dressen I)raîsed the white bread, that excelled
anything which she could exl»ect from a house without a house-
keeper; and the lieutenant-colonel called the cream "heavenly;"
for at home, as he said, he used nothing but mîlk, hecause his
#vife thought that the cream could be used to greater advantage
in making butter.
]#orgenstierna did hot l#raise anything, but looked with the
greates# complacency upon Amelia, who conducted herself as
though she had been aL home in his bouse for years.
"I should think it would be best, dear Ivar," said the young
wife, "if you would accompany my parent’s down into the garden.
I have fo attend to a great many things this forenoon, and Mrs.
Wirén shall see that there is now a housekeeper a# l#oestorp."
The proposition was accepted. When Borgenstierna turned
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