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back fo talle one more l#iss from Amelia’s smiling lips, he whis-
pered into ber ear," Shall I read if to-day # Perhaps if would be
better fo allow your father fo become more at home here first."
"I do not think that you are right about that, dear Ivar. If
I ara hot mistaken, your intentions for delayh#g if might be
misunderstood, and the sooner we get rid of it the better, but
rather let if be read by the assessor."
"Yes, so if shall be. I, ai any rate, am against delay."
About one o’clock, the assessor and his wife arrived, and their
carriage was met by the most hearty welcomes from the happy
inmates of l#oestorp.
Every one saw that Wirén was just the same–gay, joyful,
and ïrank as ever. With ¥irginia, however, all were surprised
and rejoiced, for she was gentleness and grace themselves. There
was now an infinite loveliness spread over ber whole countenance,
which before had only breathed unnatural coldness. There
was still a kind of hau#Çatiness in ber stiff and erect bearing,
although she zealously endeavoured fo appear quite the reverse.
But all this was far from creating an unpleasan# impression, for
even env), was obliged fo confess that ber every ïcature bore the
stamp of natural dignity. As she was perfectly convinced that
Borgenstierna did no# even divine ber weakness, she more easi]y
gained that balance of mind for which self-possession is rare]y
sufficient, l#either would she be satisfied with a hall victory.
She meant fo be worthy of the great confidence that ber husband
placed in ber.
¥irginia’s bearing toward Borgenstierna was of that kind that
is due fo a gentle host from a polite guest. :Perhaps pride had
some weight also, for no# the slightest trace of uneasiness or
confusion was fo be observed in ber. But Wirén, who had been
an eyewitness of the storm tha# had raged within ber, followed
ber every motion, silently, and enjoyed the quiet bearing and
the easy composure wi#h which she met the man who had been
so dangerous fo her. He was hOt able fo ’lay his hand over his
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