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wifc’s heart, or ifs violent beating would bave betrayed to him
that art as well as nature had its share in this composure.
¥irginia met the young Lady ]#orgensticrna, even, with cor-
diality; and Ameli# could not l#raise suflïciently the influence
which the bath had had on #[rs. Wirdn’s outward appearance
and state of mind.
"Yes, there is something very bencficial in a sea-bath," said
thc lieutenant-colonel, scriously; " and I shall recommend
Stroemstad, especially, to every lady. If is good for all kinds
of diseases. You probubly rcmembcr, l#dies and gentlemen, that
there we first became acquaintcd. Af dinner we must certainly
drink to Stroemstad, and fo ifs steady increase and pOl#U-
"That shall hot be omitted, dear fathcr-in-law i but let us
first empty a glass fo civil independcnce, which îs sufficicnt in
itself, and seeks for the power and m#inspring of its action only
wîthia itself."
"Yes, yes, ¢hat is a very good toast i but if appears fo me
as though that subject does hot concern us much now. We are
hot sitting here in parliament, and are noç contending for any
other interest thon to foster out enjoymenç aad comfort»" said
the lieutenant-colonel i but if could easily be seen ¢hat he was
surprised and confused, and that the words were uttered with a
certain uneasiness.
A melia cleverly managed fo turn the conversation upon an-
other subject, in which endeavour she was shccessfully assistéd
by Assessor Wh-5n, who immcdiately had a store of anecdotes
in rcadiness com#ectcd with his journey fo l#ocstorp. This led
the lieutenant-colonel fo one of his favourite hobbies, namely,
the breaking of horses i of the false treatment of which one oi
the anecdotes had been the consequence. In conversing upon
this subject he forgot everything around him, until finally no-
thing existed with him but horses, whips, and h##mds fo rein the
former, and fo humble the latter.
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